Letter of Walter S.G. Kohn dated September 14, 1993 concerning his experiences in Lichtenfels during the Nazi era

Letter of Walter S.G. Kohn dated September 14, 1993 concerning his experiences in Lichtenfels during the Nazi era


[...] The few people who went into Jewish stores until November 1938, who came to our side of the street to greet us, were heroes at that time. I have repeatedly mentioned the remark of the city pastor Friedrich during my "expulsion" from the Realschule in 1936 (1). Being slipped a treat at the cheese store was a heroic act, as was the weekly Saturday evening visit by the railroad official (I can't remember his exact title) Kaemmerer and his daughter. There were a handful of Lichtenfelser who supported us until the end, not many and not by large demonstrations. Nobody dared to do that anymore. But a few people let us know they stood with us -- and many, many fell victim to their own cowardice.


Mr. Aumer was the official responsible for passports in the district office. His wife had gone to school with my mother: The families knew each other well. To be able to go to an authority without being snubbed was a rarity. Claude (Klaus) Bamberger has described how Mr. Aumer came to his mother one evening to warn her that her passport would be confiscated in a few days and to advise her to leave as soon as possible. I didn't know where I was going abroad, so we asked Mr. Aumer to issue the passport for two countries, England and North America. "I'm not allowed to, you're not allowed to do a lot of things these days," he said, but he did it. All these were hardly heroic deeds, but such small episodes felt extremely good and made life much easier.

As for District Judge Reck, he adhered to the old law wherever he could. When the prosecutor wanted to know the religion of a Jewish defendant, Mr. Reck immediately said that this was not customary before. His mocking "No klor" (“surely”) as confirmation of the Nazi changes has become proverbial in our family. […]


September 14, 1993


(1) Friedrich protested in the teachers' conference against the decision to exclude Walter from the school because Walter was the grandson of one of the school's founders.

Prof. Dr. Walter S.G. Kohn

Walter Kohn grew up in Lichtenfels and had to flee to England, arriving there in June 1939 on a Kindertransport. There he began his academic career, which he completed as Professor of Economics and Political Science at Illinois State University in the USA.


Prof. Dr. Walter S.G. Kohn

Prof. Dr. Walter S.G. Kohn
Screenshot from the Interview with the Virtual Holocaust Archive of USC of 1997



Lilly und Walter ca. 1923

Lilly and Walter Kohn 1923
© Family property

He was born in Lichtenfels on May 16, 1923. His mother, Lilly Kohn, came from the prestigious Lichtenfels basket trading company Brüll und Kohn; her marriage to Hans Gerst, a Bamberg hop merchant, ended in divorce after one year in 1923, and Lilly raised her son alone.


Although the family business collapsed in the world economic crisis of 1932, Walter Kohn had fond memories of his childhood in Lichtenfels; he did not have to endure any rejection or discrimination during his elementary school years until 1933. He spoke fondly on bicycle tours to Vierzehnheiligen.


Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in der Kronacher Str. 20

Residential and commercial building in the

Kronacher Str. 20
© Family property

Grundschulklasse Walter Kohn

Elementary school of Walter Kohn
© Family property

Youth under National Socialism

On March 30, 1933, Walter passed the entrance examination for the Realschule (today's Meranier-Gymnasium Lichtenfels), which his grandfather, Samuel Kohn, had helped found and where he was now the only Jew.


Realschulklasse 1934 Walter Kohn

The II. Class in the Hans-Schemm-Realschule Lichtenfels in 1934.

Walter Kohn sits in the first row as second from the right.

Note the number of HJ uniforms among the students, the bearded costume of the teacher, and the photographs of Hitler and Hindenburg on the wall.

Walter is the only one who keeps his arms crossed.

© Family property


Walter Kohn experienced the first anti-Semitic incidents starting in 1933, beginning with students making occasional derogatory remarks and slogans; but the generally changing image of the town, meant here by signs such as "Jews are not wanted here" or Nazi flags and uniforms, also contributed to the increasing exclusion of Jews. Harassment such as slashed bicycle tires or direct, though still moderate, physical violence increased.


Coburger Straße am 1. Mai 1934

Lichtenfels, Coburger Straße on May 1, 1934

(“Day of National Labour”)

Titel Jahresbericht 1936/37

Decorative sheet of the annual report of the Hans-Schemm-Realschule 1936/37 (student work).


For a more detailed account, see here.


In 1934, Lilly and Walter had to move out of the rented apartment in their parents' house in Kronacher Straße 20 (now owned by the Sparkasse) because it became the Nazi party headquarters; mother and son were also expelled from the apartment they subsequently moved into in Bamberger Straße in 1937 because the living space was allegedly needed for a war-related business. They moved into a small apartment on the second floor of the Jewish community center in Judengasse next to the synagogue.


Easter 1936, Walter Kohn was expelled from school as a Jew despite excellent grades and had to attend the Higher Jewish School in Coburg.


The 9th of November 1938 - the pogrom night

Walter Kohn was able to observe the desecration and looting of the synagogue on the pogrom night of 9 to 10 November 1938 directly from his living room window. His report vividly depicted the atrocities.


On this fateful night Jewish houses and the synagogue in Lichtenfels were stormed and vandalized, Jews were taken into "protective custody" as well as beaten up. After this event, the Kohn family decided that they had no choice but to emigrate.

Escape to England

Lilly and Walter obtained the necessary papers to immigrate to Great Britain through Lilly's brother Max, who had been living and working in England since 1932. Walter's work permit for England, however, was delayed, so that he had to stay behind alone in Lichtenfels as a sixteen-year-old. Only in June 1939, after three months, was he able to follow his mother. He arrived in England on a Kindertransport.


He worked as an agricultural helper routing German prisoners of war to work on British farms. Walter earned a Bachelors degree from the London School of Economics during this time.

Landwirtschaftshelfer in England Walter Kohn

Farmers helper in England
© Family property

A new life in the USA

In 1947, Lilly and Walter emigrated to the U.S. (New York); Walter worked during the day as a commercial clerk in a paint store to finance his studies in economics and politics, earning a PhD and the title “Doctor”.


For more than three decades, he taught and conducted research, published books and articles as a professor in the Department of Political Science at Illinois State University (ISU). Illinois State University continues to present the Walter S. G. Kohn Award annually to students of European politics.


In 1955, he married Rita Tevelowitz, a teacher, journalist, and playwright, with whom he had three children.


He visited Lichtenfels twice; on his trip in 1992 he gave a lecture in the town castle about the time in the Nazi dictatorship.


Dr. Walter S.G. Kohn died in 1998.


Walter S.G. Kohn (ca. 1950)

Professor of the Illinois State University
© Family property

Walter und Lilly Kohn

Walter and Lilly Kohn
© Family property


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